Bow Habitat Station is comprised of both Pearce Estate Park Interpretive Wetland and Sam Livingston Fish Hatchery located at 1440 17A St SE, Calgary, AB
The actual hatchery was really informative as you’re able to see the entire raising of the fish from egg to adulthood. In this particular hatchery, they raise 6 species which are:
Rainbow Trout, oncorhynchus mykiss
Brook Trout, salvelinus fontinalis
Brown Trout, salmo trutta
Cutthrat Trout, oncorcynchus clarki
Bull Trout, salvelinus confluentus
Artic Grayling, thymallus arcticus
At the time we went, they were raising mostly Rainbow trout, and here are the steps before they get pumped to lakes for civilians to fish in the summer.
The first step in this Hatchery is to collect the eggs, which are collected either in the wild while or from the Raven or Allison Creek brood trout rearing stations where the brood stations raise adult trout specifically to supply fertilized eggs to the hatcheries. They raise these eggs in the incubation tray.
Alevin to Fly – after the eggs hatch, they have a phase where they have a little yolk sac, at this stage, they are alevins. Once the yolk sac is gone, they become fingerlings. They will move these fingerlings into tanks where they become large enough to get transported to the Burrows pond. In the final burrows pond, the rainbow trouts are about 23cm long and about 14 months old.