Full House Cafe – Oakland, California

Breakfast will always be my favourite meal of the day and with San Francisco being an hour behind from the time zone difference, it appears I get up really early and is hungry! So, we ventured around where we went to Full House Cafe right on Macarthur Boulevard.

I didn’t really know what I wanted to eat, so we started picking random foods. We had ordered the Denver Omelet with no cheese and the portions was huge! The food was really good and fresh – it’s definitely as good as it looks!

Then, we got an order of Blueberry Pancakes and she asked how many pancakes did I want. I wanted 2 – so that’s what I got! The pancakes were as big as the plate and you can tell they’re made on their flat grill by the taste. It’s not bad although not jammed stuffed pack with blueberries.

Lastly, we got an order of their Corn Beef Hash which came with potato pieces. This was a delicious meal, and not overly greasy.

Overall, this was a perfect breakfast place! The food was really awesome as it was really fresh, and made to order. The prices was awesome and the service was quick and friendly! This is an fantastic way to start any morning!
Full House Cafe on Urbanspoon

Full House Cafe

3719 Macarthur Blvd
Oakland, CA 94619
(510) 482-2200